International Society for the Study of Information

Theoretical and Foundational Problems TFP in Information Studies

Discussions may be up to 45 minutes but must be worked with and approved by the organizing committee. After the 4th ICPI, the studies on philosophy of information have made further progress. Based on these new developments, we have chosen the following thematic topics for the 5th ICPI and would also welcome some other topics that are consistent with the theme.

It was the first-ever scientific conference held under the motto Towards a New Science of Information”. The overall purpose of The International Society for Information Studies is to turn Information Studies into a field in its own right, through co-operations and networking. The registration fee covers only renting the conference rooms, technical equipment, coffee breaks, working dinner, and supporting staff. Excursions and entertainment events are not included.No registration fee waivers are available. The IS4SI Summit 2025 will take place from June 02, 2025, to June 28, 2025.The Summit will be spited into two segments – online and in-person.Conference room presentations are usually not delivered well with the technical background available. Because of this, it is assumed that all presentations will be online, and that in-person meetings mainly will help to develop cooperation within IS4SI.

International Society for Information Studies

It is demonstrated that all other known directions of information theory may be treated inside general theory of information as its particular cases. This workshop aims to explore contestation of the view that there is only a single way of understanding any of the past, present and/or future of informational phenomena (and sociotechnical assemblages more broadly). In opposition to singular (or unilinear) perspectives, we assert that informational phenomena always have multiple past(s), present(s), and future(s). All presentations fit into several categories, including topical, plenary presentations, or panels on related topics. Presentation times will be 20 minutes for topical presentations and 30 minutes for plenary presentations.

Objectives specific to the overall purpose

On June 24th, 2011, the International Society for Information Studies was registered in Vienna as association. It seeks to create a community of scholars that reflect on the impact of their research and development on society, on how their studies relate to each other, and on the features that distinguish their concepts, theories and approaches in order to find out a possible common basis. Habits and rituals play a fundamental role in human life and are worthy to be considered also because they represent a form of embodied knowledge. They have been studied mostly by disciplines like anthropology, sociology and psychology. Philosophy as well offers interesting analyses from different perspectives, from Aristotle to Bourdieu. Aristotle represents a fundamental perspective to investigate the dimensions entailed by the notion of habit, while Peircean habits connect to the life of symbols.

We are looking forward to attend a rich IS4SI Summits programme of Gothenburg summit, and to meet across disciplinary and specialist borders, to learn from each other and to commonly address opportunities and challenges of the data-driven, information-based era. Some conferences contributing to the 2021 IS4SI Summit already established their own traditions as core events of former IS4SI Summits. Since the Summit is intended as a forum for exchange, discussion, and integration of different perspectives on information, we invite proposals of these already established, continuing events and also of proposals of new conferences, symposia, workshops and other forms of academic and creative activities promoting study and application of information. Gothenburg summit is a continuation of a series of conferences, which are periodically convened, one of them since 1994. Since its constitution, the International Society for Information Studies (IS4SI) organizes a biennial summit gathering researchers all over the world who work on research in information science, its philosophy, technology and culture and related fields within the field of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary information studies.

While matter and energy are the foundation of material world, information is the foundation of the mental world as well as of the interactions in alive beings and within their communities. Studying intelligence, we should take broader approach discovering the role of information, generally speaking, in life. The time has come to work out more uniform and general, deeper understanding of information processes which support the noosphere. The summit will take place at UC Berkeley’s beautiful Clark Kerr Conference Center just a few blocks from the main campus and from the center of downtown Berkeley, and just a BART ride to downtown San Fransisco. Clark Kerr provides conference facilities, guest rooms, and dining, all within a few short steps.

h International Workshop on

In this way IS4SI wants to enable the integration of the field and orient it towards the future, both based on technology and on the critical assessment on its social aspects. Each biannual meeting of the International Society for Information Studies addresses a specific topic as we orient focus of communities networked under the umbrella of the society towards a common theme, discussing and exchanging thoughts across disciplinary borders. For information and news on the society and gestures studies you can join our mailing list. Sign up to stay informed about news and activities of the society, latest news on publications, conferences, and workshops.

The recent meeting in Gothenburg in 2017 addressed Digitalisation for a Sustainable Society – in light of information, computation & cognition, when the change of the name of the society was decided- from the International Society of Information Studies to the International Society for Studies of Information. As our earlier meetings, the summit 2017 reflected the moment we live in – a nascent movement of digitalization that has started to radically change our society, globally, in literally all its aspects. Digitalization is based on the computing technology, which in its turn is based on information and data processing, which all goes back to cognition thus constituting relations between information, its dynamics and meaning. The IS4SI Summits are regularly scheduled, biannual academic events consisting of several coordinated and co-located conferences on the subject of information integrated by plenary lectures and discussions, intended as a forum for the exchange of ideas and sharing knowledge about recent developments and achievements in the research on information. The Summits reflect diverse perspectives and methodological frameworks of this research and aspire to foster cooperation, integration, and cross-fertilization in this domain of study.

As one of its component conferences, the Third Global Forum on Artificial Intelligence (GFAI) will be carried on at the same time under the flag of IS4SI World Summit’2021. The former four ICPI’s were held respectively at Xi’an (China) in October 2013, Vienna (Austria) in June 2015, Gothenburg (Sweden) in June 2016 and Berkeley (U.S.A.) in June 2019. Those conferences attracted many scientists and philosophers and achieved fruitful results. It will be also several discussion sessions where the participants will be able to discuss and topics related to information.